Saturday, October 24, 2009

Disscoonect- 5.0 ~By~ I-N-D-R-A

Dissconnect-5.0~By~ I-N-D-R-A
300 bots ssl login booter,
Login Option : u have retry login option for login your skipped bots
Select Your Login Delay According to your net speed

Public Boot Option:
1. Exploit 8 : ------- Error DC For YM8
2. Exploit 9-10: ------- Error DC For YM9-10
3. Freez: ------- Freezing Any Messy Ver
4. Contact : ------- YM Contact Send DC
5. Conf Invite: ----- YM Confrence Invite DC
6. RM Game : ----- Random Games DC
7. Buzz Lagg : ----- Buzz Lagg DC For YM
8. Kiss DC : ----- Hearts Invironment DC
9. Us Flirst : ----- US Flirt Audible DC
10. Client : ----- Use 30-50 Bots For DC yazak, yahelite etc
11. Client 2 : ----- If your net speed is good u can dc supra with 50-70 bots

More options : ID Locker, Random Servers

VIP Boot Option:
1. All Client DC - 1: Use 10-15 Bots For DC Any Client
2. All Client DC - 2: Use 10-15 Bots For DC Any Client Including YMSG 15,16,17,102 + Http Login
3. Yazak : Use 5-10 Bots For DC Yazak
4. Yahelite : Use 8-10 Bots For DC Yahelite
5. Ymlite : Use 8-10 Bots For DC Ymlite
6. Yahaven : Use 5-8 Bots For DC Yahaven
7. YSupra : Use 10-15 Bots For DC Ysupra ,Ymsg 15,16,17,102 + Http Login
8. YTunnel : Use 5-8 Bots For DC YTunnel
9. Ymsg 102: Use 10-15 Bots For DC Any Client Who Is Loggin In Ymsg102
10. Client Lagg : Use 10-15 Bots For DC Any Client With Lagg
11. Power DC : Use 15-20 Bots For DC Any Client Including YMSg15,16,17,102 +Http Login
12. Yz-Yahelite-Ymlite : Use 10-15 Bots For DC those Clients
13. Yz102-Ysupra : Use 15-20 Bots For DC Yazak ymsg 102 & Dc Ysupra

Room Boot Option:
1. Room Dc - Use 20-30 Bots For Dissconnecting Whole Room
2. Single Dc - This Option Will Dc messy8,9,10 with 1 bot
3. Freez - Free Room With this option
4. Client Flood - Use 10-15 Bots For Flooding Room Users

More Options:
Random Server, id locker


Exploit Dropper 4

this is just a overloaded packet

use 20-30 bots max allow time to charge as the packets are near on 10k in size
want to get this patched and dont care much for yahoo so have fun


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Y!Supra Version Update

- Added: Unicode support
- Fixed: Client detector bug
- Fixed: Errors caused by signing in with usernames greater than 53 characters
- Fixed: Instant message smiley popup menu
- Fixed: Popup menus for chat and instant message text area
- Improved: Bot detection for instant messages and contanct requests

download now
